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Teaching Dance As Art in Education: Understanding and Applying the National Standards in Dance Educa

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Teaching Dance as Art in Education is a comprehensive introductory textbook that helps dance education majors and dance specialists understand and incorporate the aesthetic foundations of educational dance in grades K-12. Unlike other models of teaching dance, this book delineates what a standards-oriented, aesthetically driven program should encompass for both the dance specialist and his or her K-12 students.

Teaching Dance As Art in Education book pdf

Teaching Dance as Art in Education fosters an understanding of dance as arts education and defines the dance specialist's roles and responsibilities, including how the national arts initiatives and student-centered inquiry affect the teaching of dance. It explains how to advance student growth in the areas most critical to teaching dance: the physical, mental, artistic, and social. Content is delineated through four cornerstones of dance as art in education:

Teaching Dance as Art in Education also presents a new instructional approach, the Eight-Step Plan, that facilities integration of all four dance education cornerstones into each unit to make the lessons more coherent. Further, the many features in the textbook help dance specialists become aware of not only their unique roles and responsibilities when teaching educational dance but also how to develop an arts-oriented, professional teaching portfolio.

-Inspirational Quotes: Selected quotes from famous dancers, choreographers, and teachers support the topics covered. Teaching Dance as Art in Education reveals how to meet the National Standards in Dance Education without being driven by them, and it goes one step further--it marries dance with arts education in a way that makes teaching educational dance clear and distinct.

Brenda Pugh McCutchen, MFA, is a dance education consultant for Dance Curriculum Designs (Columbia, South Carolina) and gives teacher workshops throughout the US using resources she creates for K-12 and university dance classrooms. She was an associate professor of dance at Columbia College, where in 1994 she created and directed South Carolina's first undergraduate teacher certification program in dance education. This program was accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD) and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

During her 40-year career in arts and education, McCutchen's roles have included professor of dance education, classroom teacher, and K-12 dance specialist. McCutchen's perspective of dance as art in education is also shaped through her experience as a performer, choreographer, artistic director, arts administrator, and dance artist in residence for students in kindergarten through high school. As a leading dance curriculum consultant, McCutchen now helps clients design standards-oriented curricula for college and K-12 dance programs. She leads teacher workshops and institutes across the country.

McCutchen tirelessly works to see that dance plays a significant role in K-12 education and that dance specialists are prepared to realize the potential of dance in that setting. From 1989 to 1994, McCutchen was arts education program director for the South Carolina Arts Commission. She also coauthored the South Carolina Framework for Dance Education K-12, adopted by the state board of education in 1990 as a basis for South Carolina's curriculum development in dance education. She was a committee member for the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) INTASC Teaching Standards in the Arts. She is currently on the board of directors for the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO). She serves NDEO as vice president for programs and services as well as director of publications and resources. She helped draft Professional Teaching Standards for Dance as well as Model Program Guidelines for dance education in the United States.

McCutchen holds an MFA in dance from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC-G) and has received awards for her contributions to the fields of dance and dance education from the South Carolina Dance Association, the National Dance Week Commission (SC Chapter), and UNC-G's School of Health and Human Performance.

As artists, dancers have the skills they need to be liberating, constructivist teachers. They value discovery, risk taking, and the union of body, mind, and spirit. Dancers know that learning is personal and a result of experience and practice. If dancers can remember that they have constructed their own knowledge of their bodies, movement, space, energy, time, and performance, they will have a strong foundation from which to launch their teaching practice.

By looking at each element and what the subcategories are we can simplify the process of teaching to young children. The Australian Curriculum: Dance covers many of these subcategories but the additional ones you may find useful when talking to your students about choreographing, performing or responding to dance.

During the COVID 19 pandemic NYCDOE schools closed requiring K-12 dance educators to teach remotely. Despite all the challenges students continued to participate in their dance classes, improving their dance technique, creating original dances and engaging in discussions about a wide variety of dance forms, dance artists and their work. This three min video, Remote Dance Instruction includes excerpts of students participating in remote instruction and dance teachers' insights on remote dance and teaching.

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